

  1. same.gif
    SAME: Skeleton-Agnostic Motion Embedding for Character Animation
    Sunmin Lee, Taeho Kang, Jungnam Park, Jehee Lee, and Jungdam Won
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023) (To appear)
  2. questenvsim.gif
    QuestEnvSim: Environment-Aware Simulated Motion Tracking from Sparse Sensors
    Sunmin Lee, Sebastian Starke, Yuting Ye, Jungdam Won, and Alexander Winkler
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2023)


  1. afamily.gif
    Learning a family of motor skills from a single motion clip
    Seyoung Lee, Sunmin Lee, Yongwoo Lee, and Jehee Lee
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2021)
  2. tcr.gif
    Learning Time-Critical Responses for Interactive Character Control
    Kyungho Lee, Sehee Min, Sunmin Lee, and Jehee Lee
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2021)


  1. icc.gif
    Learning Predict-and-Simulate Policies From Unorganized Human Motion Data
    Soohwan Park, Hoseok Ryu, Seyoung Lee, Sunmin Lee, and Jehee Lee
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2019)
  2. FURL
    FURL: Fixed-memory and uncertainty reducing local triangle counting for multigraph streams
    Minsoo Jung, Yongsub Lim, Sunmin Lee, and U. Kang
    Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD) 2019